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Hands-On Training with the utilization of:

-Dissected Cadavers
-Live Models
Saturday, March 25th, 2017
& Sunday, March 26th, 2017

For more information contact:
Judith Wedekind
(716) 829-6102
or Register Now
Cadavers & Live Models Stations, both with the Utilization of Ultrasound to perform single-injection, as well as continuous nerve blocks.

The State University of New York at Buffalo
(SUNY) Regional Anesthesia Workshop is very unique in comparison to other regional anesthesia training courses in the country. Our key component is the hands-on training on expertly dissected cadavers. For a private practitioner, it can be difficult to transition from ultrasound guided anatomy recognition on a live model to performing a regional block on a patient who is ready to undergo surgery. This SUNY training experience fills that transitional gap.


Our participants receive skill enhancement of anatomy identification on live models and dissected cadavers, then proceed to performing blocks via single-injection technique, as well as via catheter insertion for continuous blocks on cadavers. The hands-on model & cadaver training on March 25th and our optional 4-hour cadaver practice session on March 26th affords each participant to walk away with the skill and confidence to perform regional anesthesia blocks in hospitals and in private practice.